Semyonovich Lev Vygotsky was born on Friday November 17, 1896 in the town of Orsha, Russia (now Belarus), near Vitebsk, in a prosperous Jewish family, the second of a family of eight children. Before their first birthday, his family moved to the city of Gomel, where he grew up. In his teens, was a fan of theater and decides to rewrite his name Vygotsky, instead of Vígodski ("Vigoda" means "benefit" in Russian). In 1915 he wrote an essay on Hamlet.
It fits in medicine and then law at the University of Moscow, finishing both races in 1917, and graduated in 1918. Then, go back to the city of Gomel, with a longing difficult to fulfill: to teach psychology and literature. It is at that moment, when, because of the October Revolution, abolishing all forms of discrimination against Jews. From this fact, he begins to be linked to political activity.
His diverse activities make it the center of intellectual and cultural activity in Gomel. Teaches language arts at the School of Labor to the workers, teaches psychology and logic at the Pedagogical Institute, Aesthetics and Art History at the Conservatory, manages the theater section of a newspaper and founded a literary magazine. It is at this time that is devoted to reading Marx and Engels, Spinoza and Hegel, Freud, Pavlov and Potebnia (linguist in Kharkov)
In 1919 he contracted tuberculosis and in 1920 he was interned in a sanatorium. However, sensing that his life will be brief, this situation can strengthen their morale.
In the Pedagogical Institute creates a psychology laboratory to study children in kindergartens. From here you get material for his book "Educational Psychology" in 1926.
In 1924, Vygotsky marries Rosa N. Sméjova (d. 1979), whose union will be born two sons: Gita L. and A.L. Vígodskaya.
Vygotsky introduced in 1924, at 2 Psiconeurología All-Russian Congress in Leningrad, an essay on research methods reflexological and psychological insight later on topic "Consciousness as a problem of behavioral psychology." These investigations produced a strong impression on Kornilov, head of the Marxist tendency in psychology and director of the Institute of Psychology at the University of Moscow.
Later, Vygotsky worked at the Institute of Psychology in Moscow with Lúriya and Leont'ev, who were a little younger than him and, later, acquire global recognition. They sought to reformulate the psychological theory based on the Marxist view, devising instructional strategies that allow to fight against illiteracy and of disabilities, a condition attributed in that time, those children considered "abnormal" or "difficult" in which included situations such as being left-handed or mentally retarded.
In 1925, Vygotsky created a laboratory of abnormal child psychology, processed, then at the Institute of Experimental Defectology People's Commissariat for Education, the same one he will have the task of chairing.
In the spring of 1925, is the delegate to the International Congress on Education of the Deaf to be held in England. He took the opportunity to visit Germany, the Netherlands, and France.
Back in the USSR, go to the hospital for a severe relapse of tuberculosis, when you finish your thesis Psychology of Art, which is defended in the fall, but it will not get edited. Again, it is admitted to the hospital in 1926, write an essay on "The historical significance of the crisis in psychology", not able to publish text.
Then his health improved and he takes a long research activity with their students, emerging from a new conception of the psyche and cultural history of education in psychology, social sciences, education and defectology. However, these works are only partially published.
Vygotsky was an assiduous reader of Freud, Piaget, Wolfgang Köhler, Stern, Gesell, and publishes the prefaces of the editions of these authors.
At the beginning of 1929, as his reputation spread throughout the USSR, was invited to spend several months in Tashkent, to train teachers and psychologists at the University of Central Asia. In 1930, addressed a seminar in Moscow Lúriya, Eisenstein and the linguist Marr.
In 1931, criticism began to appear against its historical-cultural theory and the investigators of the 20 splits. Lúriya, Galperin, Zaporozhets Kharkov and Vygotsky will regularly go to Leningrad and Josephine Elkonin schif.
Always active in 1933, embarks on a grand synthesis of his work to respond to the various criticisms that have been made. This material up as the Thought and language. In the spring of 1934, is hospitalized, from his bed makes the last chapter dépenses and language, published shortly after his death, which occurs on the night of 10 to 11 June 1934. He was buried in the cemetery of Novodiévichi.
His bibliography includes 180 titles, of which 80 are published.
His ideas have an important role in theoretical psychology and pedagogy. Despite this, they were victims of censorship since 1936, and his texts were considered by the Stalinist authorities as anti-Marxist and anti-proletarian. It also gave rise to the censorship of texts trying to paidología (science of the child and its development.)
His most important work is "Thought and Language" (1934).
The largest specialist is James V. Wertsch Vygotsky. In Spain, Angel Riviere, who has probably worked better his work.
It fits in medicine and then law at the University of Moscow, finishing both races in 1917, and graduated in 1918. Then, go back to the city of Gomel, with a longing difficult to fulfill: to teach psychology and literature. It is at that moment, when, because of the October Revolution, abolishing all forms of discrimination against Jews. From this fact, he begins to be linked to political activity.
His diverse activities make it the center of intellectual and cultural activity in Gomel. Teaches language arts at the School of Labor to the workers, teaches psychology and logic at the Pedagogical Institute, Aesthetics and Art History at the Conservatory, manages the theater section of a newspaper and founded a literary magazine. It is at this time that is devoted to reading Marx and Engels, Spinoza and Hegel, Freud, Pavlov and Potebnia (linguist in Kharkov)
In 1919 he contracted tuberculosis and in 1920 he was interned in a sanatorium. However, sensing that his life will be brief, this situation can strengthen their morale.
In the Pedagogical Institute creates a psychology laboratory to study children in kindergartens. From here you get material for his book "Educational Psychology" in 1926.
In 1924, Vygotsky marries Rosa N. Sméjova (d. 1979), whose union will be born two sons: Gita L. and A.L. Vígodskaya.
Vygotsky introduced in 1924, at 2 Psiconeurología All-Russian Congress in Leningrad, an essay on research methods reflexological and psychological insight later on topic "Consciousness as a problem of behavioral psychology." These investigations produced a strong impression on Kornilov, head of the Marxist tendency in psychology and director of the Institute of Psychology at the University of Moscow.
Later, Vygotsky worked at the Institute of Psychology in Moscow with Lúriya and Leont'ev, who were a little younger than him and, later, acquire global recognition. They sought to reformulate the psychological theory based on the Marxist view, devising instructional strategies that allow to fight against illiteracy and of disabilities, a condition attributed in that time, those children considered "abnormal" or "difficult" in which included situations such as being left-handed or mentally retarded.
In 1925, Vygotsky created a laboratory of abnormal child psychology, processed, then at the Institute of Experimental Defectology People's Commissariat for Education, the same one he will have the task of chairing.
In the spring of 1925, is the delegate to the International Congress on Education of the Deaf to be held in England. He took the opportunity to visit Germany, the Netherlands, and France.
Back in the USSR, go to the hospital for a severe relapse of tuberculosis, when you finish your thesis Psychology of Art, which is defended in the fall, but it will not get edited. Again, it is admitted to the hospital in 1926, write an essay on "The historical significance of the crisis in psychology", not able to publish text.
Then his health improved and he takes a long research activity with their students, emerging from a new conception of the psyche and cultural history of education in psychology, social sciences, education and defectology. However, these works are only partially published.
Vygotsky was an assiduous reader of Freud, Piaget, Wolfgang Köhler, Stern, Gesell, and publishes the prefaces of the editions of these authors.
At the beginning of 1929, as his reputation spread throughout the USSR, was invited to spend several months in Tashkent, to train teachers and psychologists at the University of Central Asia. In 1930, addressed a seminar in Moscow Lúriya, Eisenstein and the linguist Marr.
In 1931, criticism began to appear against its historical-cultural theory and the investigators of the 20 splits. Lúriya, Galperin, Zaporozhets Kharkov and Vygotsky will regularly go to Leningrad and Josephine Elkonin schif.
Always active in 1933, embarks on a grand synthesis of his work to respond to the various criticisms that have been made. This material up as the Thought and language. In the spring of 1934, is hospitalized, from his bed makes the last chapter dépenses and language, published shortly after his death, which occurs on the night of 10 to 11 June 1934. He was buried in the cemetery of Novodiévichi.
His bibliography includes 180 titles, of which 80 are published.
His ideas have an important role in theoretical psychology and pedagogy. Despite this, they were victims of censorship since 1936, and his texts were considered by the Stalinist authorities as anti-Marxist and anti-proletarian. It also gave rise to the censorship of texts trying to paidología (science of the child and its development.)
His most important work is "Thought and Language" (1934).
The largest specialist is James V. Wertsch Vygotsky. In Spain, Angel Riviere, who has probably worked better his work.
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